Chief Operations Officer
Traffic Practice Leader
As a kid, Rob wanted to be a “steely eyed missile man” after seeing one of his all time favorite movies Apollo 13. Instead of becoming an Aerospace Engineer, his education and career path led him to be a Civil Engineer. Rob specializes in Transportation System Management and Operations (TSM&O), but also has expertise in many aspects of traffic engineering including traffic signals, ITS/ATMS design, and traffic studies.
One of Rob’s most fond career moments is when he received the Georgia Young Engineer of the Year award from the Georgia Society of Professional Engineers. “It was a recognition that was unexpected and very humbling,” he said. For those who know Rob, it was not at all surprising. He is a leader, an excellent communicator, and a well respected member of the engineering community.
Whenever possible, Rob likes to hit the links and play some golf. He also very much enjoys spending time with his wife and two daughters.