Drinking Water Treatment and Distribution Systems

Clean Water Is Essential – Plain and Simple. Delivering It Is Anything But.

The general public sometimes takes for granted that when they turn on a faucet clean drinking water will come out.  Drinking water treatment and distribution systems are the backbone of healthy communities and thriving economies. Our lives are turned upside down when our water supply is disrupted.  The civil engineers at Keck & Wood have been collaborating with our rural and municipal water system clients for decades to help them treat and deliver this life sustaining product to their customers.  We take pride in designing safe and reliable water systems because clean water means healthy communities.

Services Include:

• Water Treatment Plants
• Membrane Filtration Systems
• Pilot Studies
• Groundwater Wells
• System Master Planning
• Preliminary Engineering Reports
• Funding Application Assistance
• Distribution System Design / Analysis
• Hydraulic, Surge & Water Quality Modeling
• Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI)
• Pumping System Design & Rehabilitation

• Elevated and Ground Storage Tanks
• SCADA & Control Systems
• Water Loss Audits
• Pipeline Rehabilitation / Relocation
• Jack & Bore / Directional Drilling
• O&M Manuals
• As-builts

Detailed Information about Our Services

Water Treatment Plants

Drinking water treatment plants usually take water from a natural source like a river, lake or wells, and clean it so that it is safe for humans to drink.  A typical treatment process would include the addition of chemicals, mixing, coagulation, settling, filtration, disinfection, and then pumping the treated water into a water distribution system for consumption.  No two treatment plants are the same and the treatment processes can be quite complex. Keck & Wood has designed conventional and advanced water treatment plants producing up to 12 million gallons of potable water per day.

Membrane Filtration Systems

Membrane filtration uses a thin layer of semi-permeable material to remove bacteria, microorganisms, particulates, and natural organic material which can impart color, taste, and odors to water and react with disinfectants to form disinfection byproducts.  Membrane processes include microfiltration, ultrafiltration, nanofiltration, and reverse osmosis. We help our clients evaluate and perform pilot testing on different membrane filtration systems to determine the best technology to use for the space and budget available.

Groundwater Wells

Although many communities rely on surface water sources like rivers and lakes, there are areas of the country that rely on groundwater wells for water supply.  Groundwater wells are often drilled hundreds of feet deep to tap into aquifers. Water pulled from the ground must be tested and treated so it will be safe for consumption.  Wells are placed in areas where there is low risk of pollution or salt water intrusion.

Distribution System Design & Analysis

Water distribution systems are typically a complex network of treatment plants, pumps, pipes, and storage tanks that have to work together to supply drinking water to customers across a wide area.  The design or analysis of a water distribution system has to take into account the quantity of water that needs to be supplied, the variation of water usage during the day and at different times of the year, the size and materials of pipes and other components, and the ground elevations across the system.  Important information about the distribution system components can be stored and viewed in GIS, which helps with maintenance and planning activities.

Hydraulic, Surge & Water Quality Modeling

A well-constructed and calibrated hydraulic computer model of a water distribution system can be an invaluable tool for evaluating the existing system and planning for future improvements that will be needed.  Normal operating water pressures, surge pressures, average daily flow, fire flow, water age, and water quality are just a few of the things that can be analyzed quickly and effectively so clients can make important decisions on how to operate and improve their water systems.

Advanced Metering Infrastructure

One of the key benefits of our ever-more-connected world is the ability to create smart meters. Advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) takes the information from smart meters, combines it with data management and delivers useful, actionable data on your water system in near-real time. It can also help identify tampering, isolate losses and monitor overall water pressure to make your municipal water system even more efficient.

Pumping System Design & Rehabilitation

Pumps are like the heart of a water distribution system.  They are used to push water through pipes to customers and also to water storage tanks for future use.  Over time pumping system components wear out and need to be replaced or rehabilitated. Pumping systems often have to be upgraded over time as a water system grows and more water has to be delivered.

Elevated & Ground Storage Tanks

Storage tanks can either be elevated to provide stable water pressure at peak demand times, or they can be placed on the ground and used with pumps to provide the required pressure.  Size, type, material, and location are all important factors to consider when designing a storage tank because they will impact construction and maintenance costs for many years to come.  

SCADA & Control Systems

Water distribution systems are typically a complex network of treatment plants, pumps, pipes, and storage tanks that have to work together to supply drinking water to customers across a wide area.  SCADA and Control Systems are needed to monitor and control the components that allow the system to operate efficiently and effectively. Performance data can be logged and analyzed and controls can be automated to ensure the system is up and running 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

Pipeline Rehabilitation & Relocation

Pipes typically used in water distribution systems can last many tens of years, but eventually they do need to be evaluated for repair or replacement.  Sometimes they need to be cleaned and other times they simply need to be replaced. As a community grows it is not uncommon for pipes to need to be relocated due to other construction projects like new roads or widening of existing roads.

Jack & Bore/Directional Drilling

Minimally invasive methods of pipe installation like jack & bore or directional drilling can help reduce the impact of installing new pipes on existing infrastructure that would be expensive to repair after using traditional trenching methods.  Directional drilling can also be used to install pipes under creeks, rivers and other water bodies that would otherwise be impossible or not practical to cross.  

Water Loss Audits

Much of the drinking water infrastructure in the United States has been in service for decades and can be a significant source of water loss through leaks.  In addition to leaks, water can be “lost” through unauthorized consumption (theft), administrative errors, data handling errors, and metering inaccuracies or failure.  Whether required by state regulation or just good business practices, performing a water loss audit can help water systems identify real and apparent losses of water so that they can implement controls to reduce them.

Other Services

We also offer pilot studies, system master planning, preliminary engineering reports and GIS, among other services.

With responsibility for your local water system, you need a single point of contact who can deliver a wide range of services, and Keck & Wood does just that. Contact us today to talk to us about your drinking water treatment and distribution system needs.