Battlefield Trail
Dallas, GA
Client Name:
City of Dallas
Project Type:
Bicycle & Pedestrian Facilities
Services Provided:
Master Planning, Funding Application Assistance, Trail Design & Grading, Detailed Construction Documents, Permitting, Bidding, Construction Administration
Battlefield Trail
The Battlefield Trail Project was broken into two (2) phases. Phase 1 improvements include 0.4 miles of 8 foot wide concrete multi-use path and a 350 foot long pedestrian bridge. It was funded in part by the GDOT Transportation Enhancement program. Phase 2 of the trail that includes 2.7 miles of 8 and 10 foot wide path and a smaller pedestrian bridge. Phase 2 is being funded in part by the Atlanta Regional Commission via the Transportation Alternative Program. Designing an ADA compliant path that traverses a wide floodplain and steep slopes was a challenge.