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Our Team is Always Client Focused

Keck & Wood possesses the in-house talent and know-how to deliver a wide range and type of projects, from pedestrian trails and roads to industrial parks and utilities infrastructure. Whatever the type of project, our clients can trust that we’re keenly focused on achieving the best possible results.

Our Services & Core Beliefs

At Keck & Wood, we offer the following services to clients


Trail & Park Master Planning


State Roads


State Roads


State Roads


State Roads


State Roads


State Roads


State Roads


State Roads


State Roads

Representative Projects

Serving the Southeast for more than 70 years, Keck & Wood has literally thousands of stories to tell regarding our experience.


State Roads


State Roads


State Roads


State Roads


State Roads


State Roads


State Roads


State Roads


State Roads


State Roads

News and Knowledge

Relevant news regarding this market, as well as examples of our thought leadership


State Roads


State Roads


State Roads

Our People

For more information regarding our services, please reach out to our market leaders


State Roads


State Roads


State Roads