Southern Bypass 24 Inch Waterline
Fort Mill, SC
Client Name:
Fort Mill, SC
Project Type:
Water Distribution & Treatment
Services Provided:
Planning, Detailed Design, Permitting, Land Acquisition, Bidding, Construction Administration
Southern Bypass 24 Inch Waterline
Keck & Wood provided civil engineering design, permitting, and land acquisition services for approximately 21,000 feet of 24” ductile iron water main along the Fort Mill Southern Bypass. Half of the water main has been installed at a construction cost of $4,000,000. The purpose of the water line is improvement of the capacity of the water system on the southeast side of town and improvement of water quality by reducing the amount of time it takes to get water across the system. Keck & Wood was responsible for all easement acquisition and permitting, including the Army Corps of Engineers for wetland impacts and temporary stream crossing measures.